Loving My New Routine


So I literally just emailed you a few days ago because I felt like I could NOT keep up with the routines and no matter what I did my house still felt like a wreck, especially in the kitchen where I felt I couldn’t get ahead of the piles of dishes. While I waited for a reply, because I know you are busy, I didn’t want to lose momentum so I started brain storming. I was keeping up with making my bed, swish and swiping the bathrooms, and doing a load of laundry a day (even if it accidentally gets left in the washer here and there) these things came so much easier to me than actually doing the dishes and shining my sink.

I realized that I kept putting the dishes and kitchen off to the last minute and of course something would ALWAYS get in the way. My kitchen was a total wreck all of the time which made cooking a nightmare.

Well it suddenly hit me, the light bulb went on per say, instead of putting off doing the dishes to the last minute, it would be the first thing I do right after waking up and making my bed. Since it was the hardest thing for me to do I would make sure it was the first thing I would do because the “easier” things on my list would still be easy for me after I got my dishes done. Surprisingly I am on day three and loving my new routine. Cooking is easier, my sink has been shined every night, my soul feels better and surprisingly I have been able to keep up with the other things on my routines to the point that I feel like my house is now presentable, even though it may not be magazine perfect, it still feels clean and inviting.

I feel good about my home and my routine now, and find that doing the dishes is a whole lot easier with this routine because there is so much less to put away and load. I start the dishwasher every night, then just put the dishes away first thing in the morning, then load it through out the rest of the day as we eat. It has made things so much easier and less intimidating. Thank you for your awesome advice and encouragement and for helping me learn how to keep a clean home that my family and I feel good about! Also I ordered your complete cleaning system and I can’t wait to try out all the awesome tools!!!

Thank you for all you do!!

It finally clicked,
Heather S.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

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