Accept and Embrace

Hello, FlyLady!

I am a Payroll Baby. I do not have any children but between balancing full time studies and a full time job, plus a lot of work at home to take a very selective exam, I have struggled to implement housekeeping routines.

I had attempted to tweak yours a little to fit my schedule (days where I have more time than others) and it worked well on ”light weeks” but, as soon as my schedule got a bit hectic, it all went out the window, and within a few days I ended up with piles of clothes all over my bedroom floor usually clean stuff mixed with dirty stuff that ends up in the laundry together eventually. The floor next to my bed is my version of a ”sink”, it gets littered really quickly and then it bugs me and takes a long time to sort through. Sometimes my medicine falls from my bedside table into the clothes piles and looking for it is like seeking a needle in a haystack.

So, I have realised that fitting my habits to my objectives didn’t work : there are nights where I simply cannot master the force to walk my laundry from my bedside to my laundry room. I have decided to accept and embrace that and now, instead of expecting myself to take the laundry out everynight and beating myself up when it isn’t done, I have set up a clean laundry and a dirty laundry basket right next to my bedside so that even if I don’t take it out that night, it is still tidy and off the floor. I have also set up a little box on my beside table so my medicine no longer falls.

I am so happy I managed to stop being a perfectionist and allow myself to just lie down on the tough nights! Now, I empty the basket regularly in my own time, I keep track of what is clean, my ”bedroom sink” is clear and it makes me happy. I am FLYing and it motivated me to handle other areas of my home (like a clutter storage room).

Thank you FLYLADY!

With loving wishes to all of you who will read this message,

Payroll-College Baby Floriane


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