July Habit #20 Using Up What I Have

Dear FlyLady,

It has been over a year that I have been cleaning Toilets on a regular basis and I have finally figured out my bathroom schedule to fit my routines.

I was one of those people that dreaded the bathroom and I would put it off. The bathrooms would not get cleaned for two weeks on average. I know, I know…the longer it goes the worse it will get. So when I got myself in gear I started cleaning a toilet a day before my shower.

A couple things I have done to make it easier for me: 1) I keep a toilet brush in every bathroom, 2)I have Toilet Bowl Cleaner in every bathroom and 3) I have wipes on the back of the toilet in every bathroom. Now I know you use any soap in the Toilet Brush Holder, but after closing our business and cleaning out cupboards at the business and house, I found that I had 26 bottle of Toilet Bowl Cleaner. I had bought for years bulk and would misplace them in the house or business, this also included all other cleaners too.

I designated place for all my cleaners in the garage which three years ago filled up 3 shelves and I am down to 1 and a half shelves now. Luckily I have room in the garage for all this stuff. I have thought of all the money wasted because I bought on credit and the interest that occurred because I misplaced these items. I decided to keep them because I knew I had the room and I wanted to stop increasing my debt by not having to buy more cleaning supplies. I have saved myself $150 to $200 a year because of using what I have left.

When everything is gone, I will be going by the motto, “Soap is Soap!” But in the meantime I am using up what I have. Thank you for helping me learn how to declutter and organize and clean my dreaded bathrooms which aren’t so dreaded any more…

Oh by the way, the one and a half shelves that are empty of cleaners have now been filled summer items so the family can have fun. There is sidewalk chalk, bats and balls, rackets and other items all organized for summer fun.

Thank you,

Heather Flying Along The Columbia River

FlyLady here: Our July habit is to Swish and Swipe your bathroom everyday.

Have you ever been embarrassed when someone asked to use your bathroom? Have you ever put off allowing a repair person into your bathroom?

Have your dear children watched you clean the bathroom and you have then caught them swishing out the toilet?

We want to hear your stories or tips on the benefits of Swishing and Swiping everyday.

FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a Testimonial about Swishing and Swiping your bathroom? Let us know, and send an email with MY BATHROOM LOOKS GREAT in the subject line.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

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