Why Did I Wait So Long?

Dear FlyLady,

I LOVE the FlyLady calendar! I have always used calendars, but never bought the FlyLady one till this past year. My family is so busy that there wasn’t enough room on any other calendar that I have purchased. Why did I wait so long (years) to buy the  FlyLady calendar? I didn’t want to spend the money. We are on a very tight budget and I have had to become very frugal by necessity. I am SO glad I bought this calendar as it is so easy to use! I write in pencil, have a good eraser handy (not the one at the end of the pencil!), and I will never go back to any other calendar.

I “sync” this paper calendar every Sunday with the calendar on my iPhone (which I also check daily).

Thank you so much FlyLady and FlyCrew for such great products and tools.

Flybaby in Southern California

FlyLady Here: Our new calendars are NOW in the FlyShop! Save 40% with Coupon Code StayReady. If you have never used our FlyLady Calendar before, then you have a treat in store for you. We have large squares to hold all your family’s schedules. The FlyLady Calendar is a 17 month (August 2023- December 2024) calendar and you can start using it in August for the new school year.

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