What’s Up with the Extra Months

Dear FlyLady,

I am a relatively new FlyBaby. I rely heavily on a calendar to ensure order in our family’s schedule. I bought your calendar earlier this year & hung it on the fridge.

While perusing the FlyShop recently, I noticed the new calendar for sale. My current calendar goes to December, but the new calendar starts in August. Does that mean that every time I buy a new calendar, five months will go unused? Could you please explain the overlap?

Thank you!

FlyBaby Mary

Dear Mary,

The reason we have 5 extra months in our calendar is to give you a grace period! It is all about giving you the time you need to get your calendar in place before the new year.

Many homes revolve around the school year! Starting our calendar in August gives you a place to write your children’s busy schedule.

Don’t allow your perfectionism to get in the way of using a tool that keeps your family organized!

The boxes on our calendar are huge compared to those cutesy calendars. Squares 1.75″ x 3.125″

The overall size of our calendar is 14 by 21 inches when open.

Your calendar being displayed in a high traffic area will keep your family from asking you questions every few minutes!

Your calendar is a wealth of information with boxes that are large enough to hold your busy family’s schedule! You can track milestones of your children and yourself!

Your calendar gives you place to menu plan! This will save you enough money to buy a calendar.

Look at those extra months as a way to purchase your calendar in a timely fashion without you stressing out at the end of the year. Christmas is the most costly times of the year for us. It is all about being kind to yourself and getting things done.

Those extra 5 months don’t cost you any extra money. Our price is affordable for everyone.

Get your calendar ordered today and it will be one less thing for you to stress out about later!

Find a place in your home for your calendar! Many people use their refrigerator as this place.  There is also a hole in the center of the calendar to hang from a nail or a Command Hook.

FlyLady here: Do you have an EMERGENCY CONTROL JOURNAL! 

redofficeinabag1Many people have had to evacuate the comforts of their home in order to get out of harm’s way. Please keep them in your prayers. The Red Office in a Bag is a great tool for keeping your important documents, insurance papers, and back up phone numbers.


You can save 40% with Coupon Code StayReady You can get our office in a bag with or without a Control Journal.

We have a great calendar that is big enough to hold your whole family’s activities!  Check it out! You are going to love it!

Summer Sales End Soon!

Screen Shot 2023-07-07 at 1.50.59 PMGet Your 2024 FLYLADY Calendar! Use Coupon Code STAYREADY to Save 40%!

Discontinued Notification! We have have a Last Chance Section on our website that doesn’t need a coupon code!

The 2024 Calendar is also included in the Complete Pack!

Debuting in the FlyShop, our newest tool for many tasks.

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FlyLady Microfiber Kitchen Towel!

Now is the time for you to take advantage of this great sale!

PrintDo you need to jump back on the FlyLady Wagon? CHAOS to Clean in 31 Easy BabySteps.

This book will help both our new FlyBabies, and our “not so new” FlyBabies (like those who are “jumping back in where we are”).



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