September Habit #18 One Simple Habit

Dear FlyLady,

Thank you for this website and your encouragement. For so long I have  felt like I didn’t need to do the routines. I don’t know why I thought this.

Well, I have a one year old son and a three year old, and I have found myself going to bed later and later,  and even though I was cleaning and working until my head hit the pillow, there was never enough time to do the things like getting my outfit for the next day ready,  restocking the diaper bag, getting the coffee pot ready for the morning, etc. Mornings became hectic and unpleasant in our house, and I felt like I started the day at 5 a.m. but was already behind.

Well, I finally decided to jump in with this month’s new habit and GUESS WHAT! Having a BBR works! It has only been a few days and already our evenings are more peaceful because I know there are some things that are priorities, like washing my face and laying out everyone’s clothes for the next day, and the other chores can wait. Mornings are calm now because there is no last minute dash to refill the diaper bag or a frantic search for missing clothing.

This morning, my lovely in-laws were coming to our house early to watch my boys so that I could attend a conference. Since everything I needed had been prepared the night before, I found myself ready early and with 45 minutes to spare.  !!!!! This never happens to me. Well, I decided to bless my precious family and I made whole wheat apple muffins from scratch. Unplanned, just as a treat because I had the time and our kitchen was orderly and didn’t need to be cleaned first.

It amazes me how one simple habit like the BBR can have a domino effect and change everything for the better.

A big warm thank you  from Texas!!

Rebecca here: This month we are focusing on the before bed routine.

Part of this routine is gathering up everything you need for the following day and putting it in one place. This place is your launch pad. You will be able to grab and go!

Where is your place? Do you have a bag? A water bottle or your office in a bag?

Please share your own tips or stories on the benefits and blessings of the Before Bed Routine.

Send to with Before Bed Routine in Subject Line.

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