It Takes Time

I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!

I had fledged a few times before but allowed “life” to get in the way. Unfortunately, my children are grown, so they aren’t reaping the benefits of my newfound habits and routines that are actually sticking this time.

In the home our children grew up in, we had knee deep clutter EVERYWHERE!! Both DH and I were working 14 hour days and it was awfully exhausting between Work, children, etc. I simply couldn’t keep up.

In our last house, things got better but we’re not perfect. We still had messy spots all over. It was certainly depressing to come home to. But was a lot better than we were previously living. We were in that house six years.

Fast forward to this past spring. DH got a job promotion and we moved six hours away. My habits changed greatly during the house sale. He moved to our new home in February and I followed in June. With only myself and our three dogs, I was finally able to implement and truly create new habits. Now, in our new home, his staff can drop in (he’s a supervisor and his office is in our lower living area) or the neighbors come over any time at all, and I am completely comfortable with it. Which is a great thing because in our new town, people will simply open your door, yell, “HELLO!!” and walk in. I have zero reservations about it and for the first time in our 30 years of marriage I’m completely at ease.

I even created an email solely for my Flylady information so I can easily access what I need and want without spending time sorting and searching my (now) 20 year old email account to find the information.

And the best news of all is that our daughter has the Flylady daily and weekly list printed, in a page protector and on her fridge. She’s using your principles and a dry erase pen to begin fledging in her first home.

Thank you!!!!

~ Jo

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