October Habit #23 Work On A Small Portion

Dear FlyLady,

I’ve “fluttered” off and on for several years, now.  I jump in eager and want to “do it all” at once.

Then I crash, wait until the house is a total mess, again and then try again.

Well, I am working slowly this time and have cleaned my sink and counters for the last 5 days/nights straight; waking up with a “FlyLady Hug” 🙂 and putting on my shoes as well as drinking my water.

This weekend I finally “bit the bullet” and decided to take 5 minutes to work on a small portion of my 3 HUGE piles (about 9 inches tall, each pile) of paper stacks. I grabbed about 10 papers and sorted 1. pay or call about, 2. file, 3. pitch.  Finished that 10 pieces in just a minute, so I grabbed another small amount….Finished that, so I continued.  Ended up, I couldn’t stop at 5 minutes, but was able to sort the papers (that I had been dreading and putting off for weeks) in less than 45 minutes leaving me with a pay/call stack of about 15 pieces of paper, a to-file stack about 8 inches (this also included scrap booking papers, not just bills) and about a foot and a half of THROW OUT papers!

Now I want to go through my “files” and purge old papers that I don’t need any longer 🙂

Thank you, FlyLady, for adding “decluttering paper” to our list!

Michelle in TX

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FlyLady here; Holiday Cruising Mission start this week. Go download your free Holiday Control Journal.

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Screen Shot 2023-09-26 at 12.40.03 PMNow is the time for you to take advantage of this great sale! Over half off on our Office in a Bags. Holiday Cruising Missions started this Week.

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