November Habit #17 Saving and Freezing

Dear FlyLady,

I was just reading the testimonial about the “empty nesters”, and here’s what’s finally worked for me…

I have tried the ‘buy everything for 1 week method’ (let alone the once a month grocery shop, LOL). Being a SHE, I found I’d always get tempted to buy “specials”, and of course I could never buy just one! And often, I’d buy stuff that had nothing to do with my menu, so I’d end up with loads of fruit & vegies we could never eat, not to mention the overstuffed pantry. Although I tried to plan a weekly menu, we also would never stick to the plan with the “unexpected” happening, plus my “spontaneous” husband with “I don’t feel like that tonight..”.

The fridge would be so full (and a word of advice perhaps, to others .. we bought a smaller fridge, because we thought there’d only be two of us, BUT, the kids drop in, grandchildren come, we’d invite friends for dinner, we live in Australia so we need lots of drinks in summer, and there was NEVER enough room in the fridge. Things would even get LOST in there, LOL. Next house, I’ll buy a big fridge again – I’d rather have it half empty and well organized, than the chaos which often reigns now!).

Anyway, getting back to the subject – I decided I’d rather go shopping twice a week and buy less, (which also makes the “packing away” so much easier – I used to leave stuff unpacked for days, sometimes) so I organise my menu first for Tues-Thurs (I shop on Tues) and then I do it again for Fri-Mon (I shop on Fri), that way if one of my plans doesn’t work out, I can move it to the next day and still use what I bought before. This has helped me a lot, because I would spend way too much time trying to figure out what to cook for 7 days (I wouldn’t even dream of doing a 14 day menu!!) and because we’re sometimes only 2, if I cook a 4 person dish, I freeze the rest for my easy days, such as a Friday night, or the weekends and I can even pull something out for unexpected visitors.

I still have an overstocked pantry and freezer(s), but I’m getting there by incorporating things into my menus, and the menu planning and shopping are so much more manageable, especially when one gets older, plus I can JUST get it all into my fridge!

I hope this may give some Flybabies food for thought – and thanks to everyone for all the good ideas!

Flying in Emu Plains, Australia

Welcome to November – the Menu Planning month. All month long, we are going to learn how to plan our menus to save money and feed our families healthy. This will be a fun habit to learn and to practice.

If you have and recipes you would like to share or a testimonial about Menu Planning Let us know! Send an email to with Menu Planning in the subject line.

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