A Young FLYer

Hey FlyLady!

I wanted to testifly about how reading the emails can change people. I started using flylady about two months ago. When I began I was sceptical, but I kept an open mind because I always look finding tips to make life easier. Because I am still a highschooler and under my parents roof, I don’t always do every mission, but I made sure fo set up a night and morning routine that included my chores (or home blessings:). But anyways, i have four (this number stared lower, I just kept adding to it) testiflys for you…

1.) Your bathroom switch and swipe. I LOVE it! My brother and i have always been the ones to have the chore of cleaning the main bathroom. We often switched it around between on or the other. Then i somehow ended up with it for the longest time. I hate cleaning it. So i would put it off, do it every six months (at best), and generally wouldn’t do it unless we had family staying over (very rare occasion). But the first day i tried your swish and swipe i was on love with it! I have only become more in love with it since doing everyday and trying your old-soap-in-a-vase trick. I love it every morning when i swish my toilet because it smells so good, and the old soap was not a hard thing to come by because my grandma is always getting us sample soaps (even though we constantly use the same types of soaps).

2.) Finally-Loving-Yourself. I have gotten a lot from this one. Because of you constantly telling me i needed to treat myself, i have had the motivation to actually wash my face everyday (helping with my acne), remembered to put lotion and lip balm on my dry hands and lips, and i panited my nails again last week (the first time in over a year!)

3.) Lace up shoes! So since April i have been wearing lace up shoes, like you had challenged, but a few days ago it was warm and nice so i was like “I’ll just wear my flip flops. It will be fine.” Well was i wrong! I didn’t realize till they were gone just how helpful my lace up shoes were. I was so distracted and just couldn’t focus (i was quite a SHE that day, emphasize on the S). I just kept hoping from one thing to another, and seriously my attention span was worse then the four year olds i work with. But because of my love off free feet i did it the next day too, before realizing my mistake. Now i am wearing my lace ups again and looking to see if i can find a pair of sandles that are a pain enough to not want to take off after putting on.

4.) Motivational emails. So the other day i read an email of yours talking about how you and Robert had gone on a trip with other flylady personal and were talking about Pajama days and how later in your email you stated about a day when you had a rough start of things so that afternoon you started over again. So this morning (the one day i had where i could go to sleep and would need a little extra to get me through the day, I woke up at my regular time of 6:30. To say i wasn’t happy was pretty accurate. I was so un motivated so just sayed in bed watching stuff on my phone until 9 when i went to eat. It was then that i realized i had two hours to get everything i needed done before i had to go,  including cooking three pounds of sloppy joe. That’s when tour voice popped into my head. ‘It’s never to late to begin your day again,’ you told me. So that is precisely what i did. I ended up getting all my stuff done with a little extra time left. Hence why i am writing this email.

Thanks for all you do (and say:) to us and for us FlyLady.

Sincerely an Indiana flykid(?)/flybaby(?)

We have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

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