November Habit #19 Double Recipes to Save Time

 Dear FlyLady,

I have been struggling to fly for about 5 years now. The one thing that I have mastered is meal planning. This has helped with our budget and also helped me have food in the house for three growing kids. I have a six week meal plan, as well as special weekly menus when we have special events. These events are the kids’ birthdays or major holidays. This helps with variety and allows the kids to have a special menu for the whole week of their birthday. The Sunday meal is always something that will have left overs and I make sure that if there are a lot of left overs I incorporate those into one of the other meals for the week and not just left over day. For example, if we make a pork roast I have pulled pork sandwiches with some of the left overs.

I also have a list of simple extra meals that I always have the ingredients to in the house so if I have an emergency and I don’t have time to cook the original meal I have something simple and handy to prepare. One other thing that I do is when I am making soup or spaghetti sauce I double the recipe so I have some to freeze. This means that the next time the meal comes up on the menu I can go to the freezer. It also helps when I am sick and do not have the energy to stand in the kitchen and cook for my family, or when I need a meal for a

Fly Baby in Chicago

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