December Habit #8 BabySteps. You Can Do It.

Dear FlyLady,

I have been flying for about a year and a half now. My house can still be messy at times, but I’m keeping up with my morning routine and decluttering, which is half the battle anyway. Yesterday, I was a victim of my stinkin’ thinkin’.

I am trying to start a new career while staying home with my 2 year old son. My unemployment is set to run out this month and we are on a very strict budget in preparation for that. My husband has MS and luckily, his only major symptom right now is extreme fatigue, so I try to let him take it easy on weekends. And thanks to my seven adorable nieces and nephews, plus the rest of my family, as well as the 30 stockings we are stuffing for the Salvation Army, I have a lot of presents all over my once-tidy guest room.

I was sitting in bed feeling sorry for myself when my husband came to check on me. I told him I didn’t think I was strong enough to handle what God had given me. He told me, “Baby steps, honey! You can do it! You just need to take care of yourself.”

I knew he was right, so I thought about things that would make me happy. A hot bath or an at-home pedicure wasn’t gonna cut it. I thought for a few minutes, then it hit me! I LOVE wrapping presents! I really do; I have such feelings of love and caring when I take something I’ve carefully chosen, put it in a box, and cover it in pretty paper. I get into a rhythm and it’s so soothing. Plus, it would help the pile on the guest bed look less crazy.

So I put on a Christmas album and wrapped gifts, and the bad feelings were gone. I woke up today feeling renewed. Wrapping presents (and writing out holiday cards today) may not be everyone’s idea of relaxation, but it is for me!

A Flybaby

FlyLady Rebecca here: If you have Pampered yourself this month, send us an email to inspire other FlyBabies! Send an email to with PAMPERED in the subject line. I will post it in the December Habit so keep a lookout for your testimonial!

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