Don’t Take Love for Granted

Dear Friends,

Friday as always is Date Night. Some of you are skipping this part of our Basic Weekly Plan because you don’t know how to date anymore. I know it may have been a while since you even thought about doing something special for your husband. If we don’t take the time now, when will you?

Love is a terrible thing to take for granted. Don’t keep score of who makes plans or wait for him to come up with the ideas. Spending time together is more important than who coordinated the time! Make Date Night an important part of your week. Put a Valentine sticker on every Friday Night. If it is on the calendar you will make it a priority. Here are some ideas to remind you how to spend time together:

1. When was the last time you kissed? A 20 second kiss. I can hear you laughing now. Your assignment is to kiss your husband for 20 seconds. Now I want you to pretend to lay one on him. Watch the clock and see how long 20 seconds is. Hey he might just like it and if you tell him it was a mission, he might like FlyLady’s group a little better.

2. When was the last time you had a meal with just him? Fed the kids early and let them watch a movie while you dined? Then give them a special dessert after the movie was over for being good and not disturbing you during your date?

3. What about coffee on the back porch after a hurried dinner?

4. Have you ever met him at the door with his favorite beverage after a hard day at work? Robert loves homemade limeade and crushed ice.

5. What about a plate of cheese and crackers before dinner?

6. After the children go to bed, look at the stars with a small glass of wine or juice.

7. How about turning the lights down low and watching a movie with your head on his strong shoulder.

8. This is my favorite. Go to bed at the same time and lay in bed and talk for 5-10 minutes before the lights go out. This is the rule in our home.

9. When ever you ride in the car, turn off the radio and talk.

10. Put love notes in his planner or lunch. Or send him texts inviting him to dinner.

11. Listen when he talks.

If you don’t make a special effort to do something every day, then you are missing out on one of life’s special pleasure. The look of love and appreciation in his eyes. These date nights don’t have to cost money! It is more time than anything. Time to think about and to implement something special just for him. But you won’t think about it unless you plan for it. Take the time to do anything. It will be appreciated.

The best part is, once you have your home decluttered and your routines established, you will have more time to do these little things that make a house a home and a marriage more than just a living arrangement. I promise.


P.S. If you are single, take this time to do something special for you. Invite a friend over, go for a walk in the park. You know what you love to do. Don’t take yourself for granted either. If you don’t take care of you, who will?

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