February Habit #21 Saving Two of Those Bags

Dear FlyLady,

Yesterday I finally got rid of three large bags of clothing. The most notable part of this particular decluttering session is that I had been saving two of those bags of clothing since 2003! I wore a smaller size then, and I have clung to the notion that I will eventually wear that size again and want to wear those clothes.

The third bag of clothes contained evening wear given to me by a friend to resell, either online or at a consignment store. Those gowns have hung in my closet for two years without my doing anything with them, so I decided if I haven’t resold them in that time period, it was time to let them go.

All of these clothing items are in like-new condition, and I hope that someone else is able to use them. Meanwhile, I am happy to have my guest room closet’s clothing rod empty.

FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a Decluttering Testimonial? Let us know, and send an email with MY CLUTTER STORY in the subject line.

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