Partner With A Friend


Thank you for being so patient! You explain over and over again how to do things. Even if you pull it up from a previous post, it sounds so loving and inviting!

I’ve been getting your emails for several years now. I haven’t gotten all the routines, but I have learned not to beat myself up! This makes life so much better!

No one I know would have ever thought I was a perfectionist, but I was waiting for the right time, to be able to do it right. Slowly your loving voice is replacing all the other voices in my head that have told me I was doing it wrong. My favorite saying is ” Doing housework incorrectly still blesses your family.” I printed it out and put it on the wall in my kitchen (in the middle of my house), where I can see it several times a day. Friends and family who come over can see it too, and are blessed by it.

I had read Pam and Peggy’s book, and also had trouble sticking with it. I realized that I didn’t have a partner to share the joys and frustrations of the process. Your website and emails have solved that problem for me. Your kind words keep me going and I love hearing the testimonies of others who struggle and of those who break through.

Pam and Peggy’s book was such an encouragement and a ray of hope to so many of us who didn’t think it could be done. Through your website, that message continues to spread. Thank you to all of you!!!

Part of my “breakthrough” has been to realize that it is okay to hire someone to help when I have an extra big task, or just get behind. I am the manager of my home and I am not too proud or embarrassed to get help. When My kids were in Elementary school, I spent a lot of time at their school and became a substitute teacher. I was able to do the work I loved and also provide a job for a friend by having her clean my house. It was a blessing for both of us.

Another way i get help is to partner with a friend. With a neighbor, we take turns going to each other’s house. Usually it is not to do the other’s work but to provide the moral support. I clear my kitchen table. Then she sits at the table and pays her bills, while I work in the kitchen. We enjoy each other’s company AND we both accomplish a difficult task. Another friend helps me go through my closet. We have fun doing a “fashion show” to see what still fits (and if I still love it) and then I take her to lunch. There are so many ways to help each other when we get past our insecurity.

My daughter discovered you when she was in college and adapted the zones to her situation. Now she has a good job, which takes a lot of her energy, and struggles with the house. she has realized that it is not a failure to get help. I am so proud of her. It is so helpful to know that no matter how we get the job done, it is a success!

I have discovered that waiting until my house is ready to have company just makes me lonely. Instead, I invite someone over to give me the motivation to “get ready” for them. That was harder when my kids were young, but i still let them have friends over. One mom came to drop off her daughter and said ” I feel comfortable here. It’s is just like my house.”

Thanks again for all you and your staff are doing for us!

Flying at my own pace,

Margaret in Michigan

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