Make It Fun

Dear FlyLady,

This is a different sort of testimonial, but in case it helps other parents, I wanted to share.

I have two girls (5 and 2).  My oldest started kindergarten this past September and now it is March… we are still not in a good morning routine and have been experiencing tears and stress in the morning trying to get ready and out the door on time.

I decided the girls needed training on how to get ready in the morning in an efficient way…and we would make it fun!

I bought small prizes like play dough and hair bows and balloons and stickers.  I wrapped them in colorful tissue paper.  After the girls fell asleep, I placed the treasures at each of their morning “stations.”  Toilet.  Toothbrushes.  Hairbrushes.  Clothes.  Pajama drawer.  Breakfast table.  Sink.  Launch pad.  I set out their Easter baskets to serve as a prize collection basket.

The morning was fun!  I guided them through the first and second morning and by the third morning my oldest did it all herself. They are still in training.  I am aiming to train for a month.  Then I hope it will be a habit!  We are even doing the weekends to help instill the habit.

I love knowing the mornings are going to be more peaceful now and I have creatively made it fun to get ready and out the door!!

Eventually I will just do a sticker chart and let them earn a prize like ice cream out or frozen yogurt.

I hope this helps other parents who are trying to establish morning routines for their kids.

FlyBaby in CA

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