Timer Perfectionism

Dear FlyLady,

So I have this issue which I know is a result of my perfectionism showing through, but what do I do when I set my timer for 15 minutes, but my task gets interrupted by the dog needing out/in, my daughter or son needing immediate attention, a phone call, etc.? Do I pause my timer? Or does that interruption just take away what time I have left? Do I start that task over with a new 15 minute round? I know this shouldn’t stall me, but it is  🙁 … please help!!

Mama in Pittsburgh

Dear Mama in Pittsburgh,

I am so proud of you for noticing that it is your perfectionism that causes you to question everything. Your timer is a tool to help you stay focused. It is not going to keep you from taking care of your pets or children.

If you do get sidetracked by something; don’t worry about the timer. When the timer goes off; you will be reminded of what you were doing. Then jump back into what you were doing or go on to something else.

Even if you are only focused for five minutes it is better than no focus at all!

I want you to practice using your timer! You will be so surprised at what you can get done.

I want you all to shine! This is your year to do it if you will use your timer to play and have fun getting things done!

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

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