Today Is a New Day

Dear FlyLady,

Oh what a humbling day….anti-procrastination day….to quit putting off till tomorrow what I need to do not only today…but RIGHT NOW!    My sweet husband puts laundry on the tops of doors…it drives me crazy…yet I have nothing to say about it because I wasn’t even keeping up on the laundry!  He never said a word about it and today I humbly hung up and folded all those clothes.   I loved him in that moment immensely for not critisizing me ever as I learn to fly!   My sink is clean, my bed is made and I’m dressed….amazing.   I sit here on my break and see not one paper pile in my vicinity.   Peace is filling my home!   Thank you for reminding me I’m not behind!   That really hit me the hardest because my whole life I always felt I as never quite where I needed to be….today I feel I home!

Flying in Montana!

Big Announcement Screen Shot 2024-05-24 at 1.41.00 PM

Time to Pre-Order Your 2025 FlyLady Calendar

All Sales are Ending on June 3!

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Use Coupon Code FLY45 to save 45%

It is time to Pre-Order your calendars for this August! They will be shipping in Late July!

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