Adapting FlyLady For Us

A Can Do WorldDear FlyLady and Friends,

I just had to write and share with everyone how much the FlyLady system has changed my life. I have been fluttering around for a few months now, and found immediate success with the FlyLady system. Having been a perfectionist all my life, I found relief in having someone help me find a place to start – shining my kitchen sink. I have since stopped “my way” of cleaning – crisis cleaning and trying to clean everything in one day or night. I don’t worry about everything I haven’t done, but instead, focus on what I have done. I am so thankful for my Weekly Home Blessing Hour. This keeps my home company-ready and makes me feel good to be in my home.

I am under unusual circumstances right now. I am attending graduate school 2 hours away from home. Therefore, I live in an apartment near campus for 3 ½ days, and then commute back home to stay for the remainder of the week. Prior to finding FlyLady, I would have killed myself trying to clean our home my way while living away from home for half of the week. Not to mention the stress and pressure from being a graduate student.

Thanks to FlyLady, I have a system that works for me, even as a full-time graduate student and wife to a wonderful husband. My husband and I split the daily Missions for the week – he does the ones for the days I’m away, and I take care of the Missions for the days I am home. This works beautifully, as our house has not fallen apart or become chaotic since I have been gone. We are working together as a team, blessing one another with what we do in our home. The other day, my perfectionism, which I refer to as “The Beast”, tried to convince me that I wasn’t doing the FlyLady system right…that I also needed to be doing the detailed cleaning lists along with my Weekly Missions. I quickly cracked my whip at “The Beast,” reminding myself that there is no wrong way or right way to the FlyLady system. The beauty of this system is that you can tailor it to fit your lifestyle, which is exactly what my husband and I are doing now. We are doing what works for us, and we are very happy with the results. I also remind myself that I am doing more now than I have ever done, which is a sign of progress.

Another concept that is helping me right now is the “You can do anything for 15 minutes” phrase. I use this concept in application to my homework and big projects that I must tackle for graduate school.

I know this has been lengthy, but I just had to find a way to express my thanks for all the support, encouragement, and help you provide. I am a life that has been changed. Thank you for helping me preserve my sanity, and for helping me learn one baby step at a time that there is a better way to live – FLYing.

Christie in Knoxville, TN


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