
hidden treasures
By Tikvah’s Treasures –
This review is from: Hidden Treasures (Paperback)
I cried. I laughed. I sat with my mouth open. My heart ached as the characters in this book struggled with the same issues I do. Paddi Newlin, as a storyteller, brought to life the Flylady-Flybaby concepts in a delightful, believable narrative, touching me in a way I wasn’t expecting. I was captivated by the characters and could easily relate to the chaos and disturbance all the clutter in life brings. I am not the worst housekeeper in the world, but I so have trouble with organization, purging and dealing with all the paper. The old adage, “Misery loves company” must apply here, as I took comfort from knowing there are others who struggle. I have tried to become a flybaby three previous times and always failed. I joined once again last week and when this book was suggested, I borrowed it from the Amazon library. It has given me new hope and impetus to begin yet again, taking the necessary baby steps to get my house in order and provide a peaceful environment for my family. I believe it’s impact is due to the characters being so real and that I could relate to them, even if on a smaller scale. If Courtney, Gina and Martha can do this, I can too! In response to the negative feedback, there are references to some of the products Flylady offers for sale, but that is part of her story, a part that is helpful for me. Flylady.com is free to join. FREE. The references were minimal and the book as a source of encouragement is phenomenal to those of us who struggle and think no else does. I read this book within 24 hours. That’s a good book.


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