Making Sure I Drink My Water

Dear FlyLady,

I just want to tell you that the water bottle is fabulous. I have tried so many water bottles, and they are either hard to drink from (even some of the straw ones), they spill all over you, they leak if turned on their side, are unwieldy, etc. This is far better than I ever dreamed it would be. I have ordered two more so I can fill them in the morning and know that by the end of the day, I will have drunk my eight cups of water.

I love that I can easily toss it in my purse or tote bag or gym bag and also know that it will never spill. I hope you will never discontinue these bottles!

Good job, FlyLady and crew!

Love from a Kansas FlyBaby

FlyLady here: We love our water bottles, too!



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