Tag Archives: declutter
Our Lives Have Improved
I’ve only been following the fly lady method for
Love Makes a House a Home
This morning as I was doing my morning routine, I turned on the computer so it would load the programs.
No Place But Up
I have been reading your E-mails for
Who We Can Become
I must say I have tunnel vision and have a few
Strength and Support
I discovered you about15(?) years ago in “Family Circle”.
A Better Me
I have been absent from flylady support for some time.
My Life Changed
A friend introduced me to your
February Habit #9 Start All Over
My main hang-up was decluttering. When I see the areas of my home that need to be decluttered, I start to whine that I don’t have enough time, I don’t like to declutter, where do I start?
Getting FLYLady Back
I joined your email group right when
No One Told Me
I am sure you get hundreds of emails and testimonies. I would like to send one more.