March Habit #14 Falling Into Place

March Habit #3Dear Fly Lady,

I have been following you since November, 2016. I signed up to participate with the Mom Conference and listened to your talk. I recalled at that time that my Aunt had told me about you back when I was pregnant in 2009. After hearing your talk I went straight to your website to sign up! Let me tell you, I was overwhelmed by all the emails starting out but I couldn’t stop singing your praises! I was surprised by how quickly I was able to work in the routines and what a change I was seeing in my home. I moved in with my BF and his 2 DD’s at the end of August and was feeling like I would never get away from the CHAOS of combining 2 homes into 1 for our new family.

After the first month of fluttering around my SO was excited about how things were falling into place and was happily helping to Shine our Sink and start the decluttering process. My SO has some hoarder tendencies. We haven’t fully committed to your routines with our busy schedules (excuses, I know!) but the state of our home gets better every day. We have SO much stuff, especially when it comes to kids toys. Maybe when we separated from our girl’s other parents, we felt the need to overcompensate with gifts (many of which have never been touched!)

We are continuing to work away at it and practicing the monthly habits and daily tasks, focusing on the rooms that we spend the most time in. We are getting there 15 minutes at a time.

I have been practicing March’s habit of being dressed to lace up shoes and my SO stopped me last night to ask why I was wearing shoes inside the house. I told him “Because the Fly Lady told me to!” with a big smile. He laughed and said “Well tell her it’s against my better instincts but as long as you’re not dragging dirt through the house, I won’t give you a hard time about it.” He secretly loves you too! J

Thanks so much for what you have done for us! I’m working on getting that stinkin’ thinkin’ out of my head and being the best momma I can be!


East Coast Canada FlyBaby

Dear Friends,

We love to hear your testimonials and motivate others with the success stories! If you have a success story please send it to FlyLady@ with I HAVE MY SHOES ON in the subject line.

FlyLady Rebecca

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