Tag Archives: lace up shoes

Two Minutes Makes My Home Shine

Last week I implemented my Two Minutes to Peace in my home.

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May Habit #7 I Gained

Because of this I gained back the 25 lbs I had lost and my blood pressure has become a problem.

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March Habit #28 Just Too Ironic

Warning: if anyone is squeamish or sensitive about pets catching critters, you may want to stop reading now. 🙂

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March Habit #27 I Survived!

I’m writing this testimonial to testi’fly” to the power of having your lace-up shoes on!

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March Habit #26 For Early Birds

I am not a morning person!

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March Habit #25 My Greatest Discovery

I have been attempting to follow your system since 2006.

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March Habit #24 A Good Start

This is my third attempt at FLYing.

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March Habit #23 Crashing And Burning

I think the perfectionist in me had a hard time doing babysteps. I just wanted to do it all at once.

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March Habit #22 I Didn’t Have To Hide

I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for a fantastic system and tell you how Shining My Sink and Getting Dressed to my shoes helped me today.

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March Habit #21 Taking Babysteps Together

After all, I get up and go to an office job 5-6 days a week that requires I wear shoes But I’ve turned the “Dressed to the Shoes” rule around and now my rule is to *not take off my shoes when I get home!*

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