June Habit #6 Drinking Water is a Constant


Dear FlyLady,

I’ve been flying and fluttering for about 8 years now. One habit that I started with you has always remained constant….drinking water. What is it about this one habit, of all the habits I’ve learned from you? It’s been your fantastic water bottles.

Since discovering your water bottles in the FlyShop, I’ve tossed all the ones I tried through out the years. My DH and two DDs used to swipe mine, so now they have their own. My older child, age 10, has one she keeps in the classroom, where the teacher encourages the class to stay hydrated all day, and she has the smaller one for her lunchbox. My younger child, age 5, has the smaller one in her little backpack every day too. I have my own for water, and take it everywhere with me. No leaky sweaty water bottles means I can keep it in my purse or tote bag. My DH has one too. It’s great that there are different colored strings on the caps, so we know whose are whose.

We even traveled to Disney World with them! One for everyone…we filled them daily at the hotel, and saved a small fortune every day because we didn’t have to buy bottles of water at the theme parks. Every day our morning checklist as we left the hotel was, does everyone have their FlyLady bottle? Check! Even on 100 degree days, we could fill our bottles to the top with ice. Once the water is gone, we refill it at a drinking fountain. Voila! The ice would last all day!

Thanks for keeping me, and my whole family, hydrated and happy! We are holding our water bottles up to you in a toast….CHEERS!

A Flybaby Flying Happily in Illinois

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