After The Dust Settles

Dear FlyLady and crew,

Those purple (hate to use the word rag) cleaning cloths are the absolute best and worth their weight in gold.  I don’t like to use paper towels on both a moral and financial level.  I also think that paper products are hard on your belongings.  They always say not to use paper products on your glasses and one night at work I thought – this tissue is so soft, I’ll just use it this once.  Well now my glasses are permanently scratched.  All that just to say,  I think paper towels cause microscopic damage to our belongings.  But these purple beauties don’t!

I just got some gorgeous black and stainless steel appliances.  Well, they are gorgeous for about a day, then dust settles on them.  When you have to wipe them down with the dish cloth, there are streaks all over.  When you use paper towels, the paper towel has to be absolutely fresh; only one swipe each.  Now for my all time favorite tool, and I love all your tools, I had been dusting with one rag most of the afternoon and like how it had been working, so I wiped down my black stove top and it sparkled.  I’m not kidding, the rag had already been in use that day.  I went on to wipe down the fridge, microwave, oven, and dishwasher.  Amazing! No streaks, no finger prints.

We just finished a huge remodel and I have not done my windows in a few months – lots of regular and construction dust.  First, I cleaned the blinds, then the windows, the sill, and the part that the windows slide in (don’t know what that’s called).  That rag was completely filthy when I was finished, but the last area I cleaned was just as good as the first.  The other thing I noticed is that when I use window cleaner and paper towels, I sneeze and get an uncomfortable feeling in my chest. I also don’t like the smell of liquid cleaners or all that dust that gets stirred up w/cleaner and paper towels.  Today, no smells, no sneezing, no tightness in the chest.

I just ordered a new pack of these wonderful products.

Thanks for all you do,

Flybaby L
St Charles, MO

Purple Rag plain1The Purple Rags are on sale. Save 20% with coupon code MUSING483. 
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