Tag Archives: Purple Rags

A Recipe for Pie

In the past we have been told about a purple soup that was called FlyLady Soup?

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Purple Rag Cleans Windshield Haze

I love the purple rags.

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Going Green in a Purple Way

I have gone green (purple) and no paper towels are being used in my bathrooms.

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Tough Purple Rags

I knew they were good but didn’t realize HOW good ….

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Pretty Perfect Purple Rags

Your purple rags are miracle cloths.

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In Love From The First Use

I purchased your purple rags that everyone raves about. I took mine home and fell in love with them from the first use!

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Can They Clean Eye Glasses?

I will hopefully be purchasing your Rags in a Bag soon. I had a quick question. I was wondering if they do a good job of cleaning eyeglasses?

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Will They Leave Streaks

The only reason I use paper towels is because cloth leaves streaks on my windows and mirrors.

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Looking for the Perfect Cleaning Solution

We are all looking for that magic potion or the magic wand that is going to get your home clean.

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Crisis Cleaning Your Bathroom

Swishing and Swiping our bathrooms is how we keep them clean.

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