I Love Looking at My Calendar Now!

Dear FlyLady & Crew,

I want to tell you that I think you are a mind reader. I have been a member for about 6 months and have just really started to flutter. I thought I did not have a lot of clutter, although I did have a few hot spots. Then I realized after moving my furniture AGAIN, that my furniture was the clutter. “AHA” it did not fit in my house and made me feel down and unmotivated, so I decluttered my furniture.

My DH doesn’t come home anymore to a completely rearranged house, not knowing where anything is or being asked to help me move a REALLY heavy cupboard. So he thanks you for that.

Now for why I think you are a mind reader. I told myself that I would work on your monthly missions each month. The washing is done every day and the kids don’t have much to put away after laying out their uniforms, the clothes don’t go from the basket to the bed then back to the basket anymore and I get a star on the calendar for each day I complete the mission. I love looking at my calendar now.

I have been doing really well on my morning routine. It works perfectly for me now and I even have time to play with the kids of a morning instead of yell at them to hurry up. “purple puddles” thank you soooooooo much for this as I had been telling myself what a terrible mum I was yelling at them all the time.

Now if I could just do my before bed routine. Well when I checked my e-mail what was this months mission “Do your before bed routine”. How did FlyLady know this was my weak spot. Well now I have to do it so I can get my star for the day.

Also I would like to say how much I love your calendar (fits everything),  Dusters (I never have to dust because the kids do it), car duster (DS3 dusts car everyday while waiting for the kids to get out of class) and water bottle (makes me feel good to see it). And this all only took 10 days to get to me in country NSW Australia WOW.

Thank you so much for all you do for us FlyBabies around the world. You are the best thing I have ever found on the internet. Big {{{{hugs}}}} for you.

FlyBaby Debra

video60419FlyLady here; Are you still struggling with a calendar that is too small for your family’s busy schedule.

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