Hi FlyLady!
I’ve recently resubscribed to your reminders as my life is back in CHAOS!!! Yes, I said “life” not “home,” because the CHAOS is everywhere! I just had my performance review at work today, and I’ll tell ya… I’m tired of hearing how I need better time management skills!!!
So, I visited your site for some on the job tips, and ran across the page called “Control the Chaos at your desk!”
A lightbulb appeared above my head! I took the Morning and End Of Day routines and created appointments for myself on my Outlook calendar! I made them private because no one else needs to know, and highlighted them with green (for Personal). The EOD appointment is marked as “Free” in case someone wants to schedule a late day meeting with me. I have these appointments every weekday with myself!
You had some other items for Monday-Friday, so I copied one onto each day as an un-timed event titled “FlyLady Says:” (So Wednesday’s is “FlyLady Says: It’s Anti-Procrastination Day!). I put a reminder on each one to pop-up in my face!!!
I’m so excited and wanted to share my idea with you right away. I’ll be sure to write again after I’ve had a few weeks to work out the bugs!
Thanks for reminding me I’m still a good person even though I’m a little ditzy sometimes!!!! Even though I don’t know you, it feels like you care, and I really need that some days!!!
Fly-ing in Milwaukee
FlyLady here: Great minds think alike. When I got organized in 1999, I did this with my Palm Pilot. When we designed our FlyLady Messenger App; I wanted you to have those simple reminders to help keep you on track.
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The New Mini Calendar is just the right size for your purse! I am using it for my health charting.
You can get your family calendar and your mini Calendar in one package!