Category Archives: Morning Musing

Have You Been Living in the Projects?

This next week we are in Zone 5: The Living room.

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Procrastination is Not The Thief of Time

This week we are thinking about procrastination. We have all heard that procrastination is the thief of time.

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What is Standing in Your Way?

As a young disorganized mom, I would get all my appliances running.

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If Momma Ain’t Happy

This morning as I lay in bed after I woke up, I found myself making a list of why our home feels beautiful.

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Mr. Clean Where are You?

We have a tendency to obsess about everything and I mean everything.

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Impatience and Your Mouth

I have told you about my Granny in the past. I do not believe I ever heard her raise her voice in my whole life.

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Fingertip Epiphany

I have been pondering what happens to all of us when our spirit is dampen and deflated.

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Collateral Cleaning When in Project Mode

Clutter comes off in layers!

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A Recipe for Pie

In the past we have been told about a purple soup that was called FlyLady Soup?

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Stress is Stealing our Lives

It has been a stressful summer. A little stress may in fact help us to cope.

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