Purple Power

Dear FlyLady,  

I read the ladies testimonial about her purple Feng Shui rags in a bag and got a chuckle out of it. It intrigued me to search on the Internet about Feng Shui and the color purple and this is one of the things I found (I’ve condensed it):

Purple power in Feng Shui

Purple is also a color that generates good chi. So, wherever you would like to add extra energy, consider adding purple.

However, if you’ve ever wondered how purple can help your Feng Shui, then here are eight ways purple can help you in your life.

1. Purple helps you gain MORE RECOGNITION

2. Purple helps you gain CREATIVE, SUCCESSFUL CHILDREN.

3. Purple helps you gain MORE MONEY.

4. Purple helps you gain in BUSINESS.

5. Purple helps you gain PEACE, WISDOM, AND SELF-GROWTH.

6. Purple helps you gain more GOOD LUCK.

7. Purple helps you gain NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN YOUR LIFE.

8. Purple helps you gain a BETTER LOVE LIFE.

I chuckled at this too and while the website gives information under each of the 8 ways that purple can help in your life, I took their 8 ways and added my own information on how “going purple” has impacted me and so many through your help. Here’s my interpretation of Going Purple.

1. Purple helps you gain MORE RECOGNITION

The biggest way I can think we gain more recognition is that people see how pulled together our homes are and we are, and our families recognize the things we do for them to bless them and our homes.

2. Purple helps you gain CREATIVE, SUCCESSFUL CHILDREN.

The more routines I have and they have to take care of our stuff the more time they have to be creative and the less I nag them. As they’ve established routines as children there’s no question they are successful and will be as they grow. Less clutter in their rooms and in our homes allows them to be more creative.

3. Purple helps you gain MORE MONEY.

Purple rags in a bag stop me from using cleaners I don’t need, or paper towels I just throw out — they are saving me money. “Going purple” teaches me to use what I have, organize things so I can find them again and not have to buy them again and again. Having a place for everything and everything in its place stops me from misplacing things of value (on a recent 15 minutes of tackling stuff in the basement I found my husband’s $500 watch that I bought him years ago and then lost a year ago!). Going purple teaches me to care for me and keep me healthy (less medical expenses), to take care of my vehicle with regular maintenance and not running out of gas (saves me tow truck costs, and a world of other expenses). I’ve learned to pay my bills on time so I don’t accrue more costs (late fees). Going Purple definitely helps me gain MORE MONEY!

4. Purple helps you gain in BUSINESS.

Using the purple office in a bag, or just being more organized when I’ve gone on a job hunt, I come prepared and they see this;  it impresses people and brings me business. Being more organized in my job and my desk being cleaner helps me gain in Business too.

5. Purple helps you gain PEACE, WISDOM, AND SELF-GROWTH.

Isn’t that really what FLYing (going purple) is all about?

6. Purple helps you gain more GOOD LUCK.

The more I FLY, the happier I am, the more confident I am, the better outlook I have, the more positive things that come to me.

7. Purple helps you gain NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN YOUR LIFE.

Going purple changes each of our lives. Our homes, our families, the impact reaches every area of our lives and all of these changes lead to new opportunities.

8. Purple helps you gain a BETTER LOVE LIFE.


FlyLady here: Purple is my favorite color! Our favorite tools are great clutter free purple gifts.

Purple Rags,

Purple Rubba Scrubbas,

Purple Office in a Bags,

Purple Calendars, and

Purple Carpet Sweepers.


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