FLYing Through This Busy Life

Dear FlyLady,

I’m not one that does testimonials, but I felt I had to share. I’m a teacher, president of the local teachers’ union, active in my church, and working on my dissertation.

I started FLYing in August, before school started. I wasn’t sure if I could keep it up once school started. I have been able to continue it!

Swishing and swiping are now part of my daily routine. I no longer have piles of stuff in most of my rooms. I have put up the curtains and art in my bedroom that I purchased 8 years ago and never got to. Yesterday I cleaned the lights in my kitchen as part of the daily missions, and was rewarded with a brighter kitchen than I have had in years!

The most important part for me is forgiving myself if I can’t get to everything on any given day. I just jump in where I’m at the following day! I still have a long to do list, but I no longer feel that I have to try to do everything on today’s list AND everything from the day before.

I complete my college work 45 minutes at a time, and take a 15 minute break to do my laundry, housework, food prep, whatever. When my husband comes home at 7 pm, supper is often cooking, and I can stop work for the day. My launch pad and clothes are already prepared for the following day. I am feeling more on top of my life than I have in years.

Thank you for your sensible advice!

Flying in New Hampshire

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