Relationships Need Nurturing

LoveDear Friends,

My goal is to address procrastination in all forms. Today is going to be no different. Procrastination is the death of us, our relationships and our peace! This idea that we don’t have time invades all areas of our life and steals from us. Allowing this stinking thinking to take over has got to stop.

Every Friday is our date night.  Sometimes I spend the whole day with my sweetie! I don’t make appointments on Fridays so we can have a long weekend. We make a conscious effort to spend the evening together doing something fun. We go to a movie, or dinner with friends.

Relationships have to be nurtured. If not, you are going to wake up one day when the children are grown and not know the person you chose to spend your life with. You would have spent your life growing, but not on the same path! It is up to us to make sure we grow together! Now, don’t start whining that it is his responsibility to nurture the relationship, too! You know what I am going to say: If you will set the example, then you will see him follow your lead.

Letting go of your anger and resentment is the beginning to nurturing your relationship! Our procrastination has been used as a tool of revenge. It is called passive aggressive behavior. We have all used it and some of us may even be experts at it. You know what I always say: Nothing says I LOVE YOU LIKE CLEAN UNDERWEAR! Well, what does no clean underwear say to the people you love??? Not to mention being habitually late and dragging your feet when it is time to leave!

Our master bedrooms have been dumping grounds for years. Many of us have been working on our bedrooms. I have gotten lots of testimonials about how comforting and inviting your bedrooms have become! I am so proud of you! This is a great start to taking care of yourself. The results are going to be amazing when it comes to your relationships.

Now don’t think I am going to leave out you single people! We all have relationships! Some are marital and others are friendship. We also have relationships with our ex-husbands even if we don’t want to think about them, especially if you have children together or you still get along with their families. The best thing we can do for our children is not beat down their father in front of them. Children have enough self-imposed guilt and they don’t need more. They love their father. My granny used to say, “If you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all!”  I have had to let go of my anger and pain; now it is just pity. My son loves his father and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

As for those friendships that you have let fall by the wayside because your home was too messy for people to come over, it is time to pick up the phone and just say hi! You don’t have to figure out why the friendship dwindled; it just happened and someone needs to light a match under it and get the friendship rekindled. It is up to you. We tend to alienate ourselves because of our clutter. We refuse dinner engagements because we are afraid of having to return the favor! This is such a loss. We need friends. They support us and lift us up. Not many of us have ever had a friend who was messy, too or who understood, and this is why we have hidden behind our doors of shame. We don’t have to be alone any more. We can reach out and revive an old friendship.

Relationships are not just inanimate objects; they are made of people with feelings. When we open up our hearts and let someone else in, we become better people!  We can’t just ignore the relationship and expect it to stay the same. People need attention! You need attention! If you give it, it will come back to you! I promise.

It is Friday Night Date Night.  Let’s commit to our relationships and give them the special attention they deserve.

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