11 Simple Steps to Gain Control

Dear Friends,

It absolutely breaks my heart when the people who need the most help want to throw the baby out with the bath water because they will not take a few minutes out of their day to change their thinking.The complaint I have read the most is “how can any one be expected to get anything done in the house if all they do is read emails all day long”! Many times there are several ugly words tossed in for special effects. Here is the part that totally breaks my heart! The people who are already overwhelmed by their homes can’t see how this is going to help them and I don’t know how to hug them over the internet! They just need to be told that everything is going to get better if they will just allow the emails to sink in! Many have not read their welcome letter and they expect me to send out just one email a day. They don’t know that this is a system of establishing simple little habits that will evolve into effective routines.  The emails help us to build these new habits.

Please! Please! Please! If you tell anyone about our group; help them to understand the way the emails work! This is not a magic pill that if you only read one email that you are magically going to get your home clean and get rid of the CHAOS. It takes practice everyday over several months to get those cobwebs cleaned out of your head. This is when the house starts to come together.

We have to address the issues that caused our homes to become filled with clutter and CHAOS! I believe that perfectionism/procrastination/paralyzing syndrome is what caused our mess. Oh and let’s not forget about guilt and depression that rears its ugly head when we allow the 3 P’s to take control of us. So where do we start?

1. Go shine your sink!

2. Get dressed to lace up shoes!

3. Lay out your clothes for tomorrow!

4. Let my emails FLY Wash right over you!

5. Forgive yourself and quit beating yourself up!

6. Jump in right where you are!

7. Take babysteps!

8. Take breaks! And use your timer!

9. Put good fuel into your body!

10. Drink your water!

11. Know that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are just like you! If they can do it; you can too. Your home did not get dirty in a day and it is not going to get clean overnight! BabySteps will get you there!

I love you all and just wish I could hug you!


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