Where Does Detailed Cleaning Fit In?

Hi there
I’m a stay at home mum with two little kids and I’m wondering where the detailed cleaning fits..

By the time you’ve done morning and afternoon routines, looked after kids and done the daily mission and weekly home blessing hour there doesn’t seem to be any time left! Especially if you go out during the day..

Thanks for your help.

Kind Regards,

Dear Cate,

The Detailed Cleaning List is something you don’t have to worry about if you get our emails. Every evening at 5:30pm EDT FlyLady Rebecca sends out our daily mission. Each daily mission is from our Detailed Cleaning List. When you spend the 5-15 minutes on each daily mission; you will never have to spring clean again. Since you get them on Saturday; you can post the list and do it first thing on your list for tomorrow.

On Saturday, FlyLady Rebecca sends you the whole list for the next week. They are always posted on the website too, in the Launch Pad, under Sneak Peek.

Here are the Detailed Cleaning Missions for this week. Don’t think to hard on these.  You can do this and it won’t take you very long.

This Week’s Missions

June Zone 3 Missions Your Main Bathroom

Zone 3: Mission #1 Monday

Dear Friends:We have moved through the zones and we have arrived in the bathroom and an extra room!Your mission for today is to do a 27 fling boogie in the bathroom! Get rid of those shampoos, conditioners, hair gels, etc., that you have held onto but you don’t use them!  Toss them!  Set your timer for 15 minutes and grab a trash bag and start flinging!You might even be able to get in a second 27 fling in under 15 minutes!

For the extra Room this month, let’s get in to the guest bedroom. We will continue with the 27 Fling Boogie in this room. So, set you timer for 15 minutes and start flinging!Zone

3: Mission #2 Tuesday

Dear Friends:Today we are going to shine our tubs or showers!  We have talked about shinning our sinks since you started and we want you take 5 or 10 minutes to shine that tub or shower.  Do not get obsessed with the tub being perfect. You can do this mission while you are in the shower, just scrub the tub with whatever works. Anything is better than nothing, then spritz it with a little windex and dry it with a towel like you shine your sink.On to the guest bedroom! Today we are going to tackle the bed and get it company ready. If you need to tackle this 15 or 10 minutes at a time that is fine, don’t burn out. Now, if the bed is already clean ask yourself “how long has it been since the sheets have been washed?”Babysteps, set your timer for 15 minutes!

Zone 3: Mission #3 Wednesday

Dear Friends:Bathroom Mission:  Today you are to wash your bathroom rugs, shower curtains and accessories.  This will take longer than 15 minutes and for those of you that are working outside the home you may have to schedule this. In total, to take the rugs to the machine and bring them back to the bathroom is less than 15 minutes but the wait time for the washing machine and dryer will take up some time. If you have not rebooted your laundry this is a good time to do that!For the guest bedroom, Get your feather duster and get the cobwebs out of the corners. I have a bad habit to not step foot in our guest bedroom for a few days, and when I do it is only for a second. I am sure this is a cringe worthy mission, however it has to be done. You CAN do this, YOU have the power to be brave.

Zone 3: Mission #4 Thursday

Dear Friends:For the bathroom today, take 10 minutes to toss old cosmetics and perfumes. If you have these items that you have not used for over a year but they are still hanging around, it is time to dump them. If you have not worn anything in the past year then toss it. Most cosmetics have a limited shelf life and are harboring grounds for bacteria. This also applies to lotions and moisturizers.I understand for some of you who are new to FlyLady there is a lot of hard work to be done. So, today we are going to do an extra 27 Fling Boogie like we did on Monday. For those of you who are FLYing and just need some maintenance in this room your mission is to sweep or vacuum this room.One little thing that helps me is to put on some uplifting music while I do these missions!

Zone 3: Mission #5 Friday

Dear Friends,Today let’s grab some general purpose cleaner and shine those counter tops and bathroom sinks! Clear everything off the counter top and wipe them from side to side and top to bottom. Then use a little elbow grease and scrub your sink, then spritz the counter top and sink with a little windex to make it shine.This is the last day we have in the guest bedroom. We have worked hard this week, and I am proud of you! Today set your timer and relax. For 15 minutes sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee (don’t forget to drink your water). Take time to be still and take care of you.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

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