Tough Purple Rags

Dear FlyLady,

I knew they were good but didn’t realize HOW good ….

I was cleaning up supper dishes last night and my son had dumped quite a bit of food off his plate into the sink. I ran the garbage disposal. It kept going. I knew there was a lot of food there, but I was surprised by how long there was still noise in the garbage disposal.

Sragdisposalo, I finally turned the garbage disposal off. I turned the water off. And when I knew it was safe I reached in ….and what did I find? A purple rag!! As I began to pull it out, I assumed it would be a ripped, ragged mess. But it was in nearly new shape, only slightly frayed around the edges!! Wow! I couldnt believe how tough they were. So now you have a new use for the purple rag… To clean the inside of your garbage disposal. LOL!

Andrea C Redmond, WA

FlyLady here: Purple rags sale is ending soon!


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