You Can’t Give It All Away

Dear Friends,

We are all so busy doing for others that we don’t take the time to do for ourselves. This is why we have a “Renew Our Spirit” day in our basic weekly plan. This is a day that we take a few moments out of our busy schedules to replenish our batteries on a spiritual level. Each night we want you to recharge your batteries by getting enough sleep. This is a little different. Yes you could take a nap if that is what you need to do.

We lose ourselves in doing for others. You can’t fill up their cups if your pitcher is empty! With your routines in place you will have the basic stuff done. Utilize your crock pot or oven to get dinner started and set back and enjoy some time to yourself.

This is all part of putting your oxygen mask on first before helping someone next to you! We have pushed ourselves to the point of total exhaustion many times. This is the martyr in us doing this. We have to stop and recognize that we need to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of everyone else.

If momma ain’t happy; ain’t nobody happy! You set the tone for your home! Today is the day to slow things down a bit and enjoy yourself. This is not illegal for you to do! Plan for your “Renew Your Spirit” Day! Or just grab a few moments when you can. What ever you do remember to take the time for you!

When we give so much of ourselves away every day it is not selfish to take a few minutes to fill your heart with joy! As Rita Davenport taught me; you have to save a little sliver of your pie so you will know what kind of pie you like when the children grow up; you can’t give it all away. Taking time each week for yourself will keep that pie alive in you!


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