What If I Can’t Do Laundry Everyday?

Hi Marla & FlyCrew:

I don’t have a washer/dryer at home so we go to the laundromat every other week. Is there a way to work doing *something* in every day, since we can’t actually do any washing at home? I’m stumped.

FlyBaby Ruth in MA

Dear Ruth,

Yes, there are things you can do everyday to help you with this habit. Everyday as we take off our clothes, sort them into color coded baskets, bags, or just pillow cases. When you have a lot of laundry, you can sort into many types of fabric and colors: Black, red, whites, blue jeans, towels, socks, underwear. You get the picture. Or you could do it by the people in your family. I can’t imagine going two weeks to do laundry, but yes I can. I have done it when I didn’t have a washer and dryer. I have gone four weeks and have washed my clothes in the bathtub, too because I could not afford to go to the laundry.

I remember as a child my grandmother doing her delicate undies in the bathroom sink and hanging them in the bathroom. When I went to Girl Scout Camp I would wash my white blouse out in the cold shower. Then I would roll it up in a towel to wring out, then it hang up.

Please make sure you have drawers cleared for each person in your family. This will make it easier for you to put the clothes away as soon as you get home. Don’t live out of your laundry basket. You could be surprised by the presents your cat might leave for you.


Since my washer is in the basement, I always set my timer to remind me to reboot the laundry.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

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