Enough Sleep to FLY

Dear Friends,

You know how some mornings you just drag? Last night I had what Robert calls, Christmas Morning syndrome; you know the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep. Usually it is a result of anticipation of something special; a trip or an auction. Last night my sleeplessness was not connected to any problem or upcoming excitement. I just could not turn off the computer in my head. So for two hours my thoughts jumped around and I tossed and turned till I got up and curled up on the couch. I was back to sleep in 5 minutes.

Anyway the topic of this morning musing is our tendency to deprive ourselves of sleep.

Your Before Bed Routine reminds you to go to bed at a decent hour. You can start your before bed routine right after dinner. Well while I was in the tub this morning trying to make my eyes open, I picked up a book, Menopause. Guess what? Insomnia is part of it. The author gave us common sense advice on how to deal with it. You know that before bed routine that I have been insisting that all of you do. Well it is prescribed by a doctor!!! She says don’t wait till it is time to go to bed to start it. Where have you heard that one! LOL I am really enjoying her book. I use it as my bath time read.

Last year I heard on the radio that lack of sleep has been connected to many chronic illnesses. I have heard every excuse in the world for not getting the proper amount of sleep.

1. The baby wakes up, yes most of us have done that one. But it doesn’t mean that we push ourselves all the next day and not rest when the baby needs a nap. Even a few minutes of closed eyes and quiet time will help replenish your batteries.

2. I need some time to myself after everyone goes to bed. This is hog wash. You need your sleep more.

3. It is the only time I have to get on the computer. The problem is we don’t know when to turn it off so we continue to stay up later and later.

Those of you that have to deal with graveyard shifts, I know how hard it can be. My hat is off to you. But you need more sleep than the rest of us.

So today I am going to rest when I can and go to bed a bit earlier because I lost a couple of hours of that precious prescription for health.

I want you to FLY and it is much easier when you get enough sleep!


Please go to bed at a decent hour. There is nothing harder on children than a cranky mommy! Especially as we are getting ready for the holidays.

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