Use Your Common Sense

Dear Friends,

It is that time of year again. They always declared an flu epidemic in the United States. In order to keep from getting sick; I take my vitamin D and vitamin C. When we turn the heat on in the fall, we get out our humidifier for the bedroom. Moisture keeps our sinuses lubricated so they can filter out germs. I keep a bottle of saline nasal mist beside me all the time and I drink my water.

Let’s get back to “Common Sense” when it comes to protecting our families and ourselves from any germs.

1. Wash Your Hands with hot soapy water while you sing happy birthday.

2. Put out a basket of clean wash cloths to dry hands. I like white ones that I can wash in hot water.

3. Do not use the same towel over and over to dry hands.

4. Don’t touch your face, nose and eyes with your hands.

5. Wash your hands before you eat.

6. Use a fork or a spoon so you are not handling your food.

7. Limit exposure by staying home more for meals.

8. Make a grocery list and shop once a week.

9. Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze; using the inside of your elbow doesn’t protect others around you. Then throw the tissue away and wash your hands.

10. If you are sick; stay home! I mean this! You are not being noble by toughing it out when you go work and make everyone else around you sick!

These are habits that we can establish. Put a sign in your bathroom to wash your hands. Teach your children to wash their hands and set up a routine for this. Then toss their drying cloth in the dirty clothes hamper

If you are FLYing you will be one step ahead of these flu germs with your routines for shopping and keeping your home clean. Finally Loving Yourself means taking care of you!

Are you ready to FLY by using your routines to take care of you and your family!


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