Having A Better Attitude

Dear FlyLady,

You are such a blessing to me. I didn’t have a great model to learn how to keep a home. I completely understand now, as an adult, because my mother suffered from depression and low self esteem. She spent a lot of time on the couch drinking coffee, eating chocolate and watching TV. Unmotivated. I remember she would scurry before my Dad got home just to shower and get makeup on. I remember her saying once, why can other people keep their house clean but I can’t?? She did the best she could and I hold nothing against her. To hear you speak wisdom about how we remember certain things like the attitudes of our parents from our childhood is so true. It reminds me of the quote, you don’t always remember what a person says, but you remember how they made you feel.

If I can be honest the road to finding you was through prayer. I fasted coffee (my favorite thing ever) for 21 days in order to pray to the Lord to help me be a better mother and wife. I was so overwhelmed with keeping my house up to the standard I thought it should be and I felt behind all the time.  I was stressed, anxious and feeling defeated. My coworker told me about The FLYlady because her mother used your system. In the second day of my fast, God gave me the tools by bringing your book into my life. And the thing that I really needed help with the most? Having a better attitude towards keeping my home. And to be given a map on where to start. Both of which you have helped me with from reading your book, which has given me peace and hope.

So from the bottom of my heart, from one Christian sister to another, thank you for your heart to help women like me. Thank you for being the tool used to answer my prayer. ❤️ Mother Theresa said, if you want to change the world, go home and love your family. I hope you see how much you are helping women see the value in being able to love our family well through serving them, which in turn changes the world. Sincerely, Your sister in Christ. Sam from Tennessee.

Be Blessed,

We have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

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