Getting FLYLady Back

Dear Flylady,

I joined your email group right when you first started, probably 25 years ago, I think.

I had my routines going well when our children were very young. After the kids started getting married and moving out. I didn’t have the same routines as before.

Two years ago my dear son lost his wife totally unexpectly at 30 years old. He and his three children at the time were 7, 6 and 2 moved in with us. I was feeling overwhelmed, to say the least. Trying to keep up with laundry, meals and toys, etc. once again along with working roo.

That same year my dear daughter also had 1 year old twins, and she had just broken her foot. I was also helping her to feed her twins lunch and dinner, because she couldn’t drive home after work without her husband’s help until he was off work.

After a year of this, I finally thought, I need flylady reminders back into my life again.

All I can say is, thank you for those reminders and the ideas for children.

They love watching you on YouTube. They are all doing chores, swishing and wiping are the first thing on their list each morning.

Once a week we do a 21 boogie fling in their rooms. I’m so proud of their attitudes and the way they help me.

I enjoy watching your tea time while I make dinner with one of our grandchildren.

God bless you, Flylady.


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