Good morning,
I have been absent from flylady support for some time. However, this flybaby is back and reading and listening. This is what I have discovered….I make my bed every morning and have my husband on board with this too. It is possible to make one side at a time, as we get up at different times.
Let’s talk about paper clutter. I was the Queen of bags of papers in the closet, inside the dryer,( emergency visits) in the magazine rack, on top the dog kennel, everywhere they shouldn’t be. I started my war on paper. Went thru 2 paper shredders and a gazillion bags of paper. I found 8 gift cards and uncashed checks! Now as I read your posts about paper, I can only think of reorganization of my file where important papers are kept! All the bags are gone and I have both my husband and myself handling the paper at the door where is comes in. Recycle bin, shredder, letter opener, address labels and stamps, and GONE!
And the 15 minute sections of time, they are part of my life. I didn’t ever realise it until I started listening and reading again! I’m not perfect! But I’m better. My sink in not clean yet, dusting is only when company comes, and exercise is beyond me. But I’M BETTER!
Thank you flylady. You’re still inspiring me.
Lewiston, MN
Do you need to jump back on the FlyLady Wagon? CHAOS to Clean in 31 Easy BabySteps.
This book will help both our new FlyBabies, and our “not so new” FlyBabies (like those who are “jumping back in where we are”).
Don’t Crash and Burn
Isn’t Time You Had Freedom From CHAOS!
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