Strength and Support

Dear FlyLady,

I discovered you about15(?) years ago in “Family Circle”. You were quoted as saying that today’s woman doesn’t have a whole day to tidy her kitchen shelves, or organize her clothes closet: she must learn to work in time-blocks of 15 minutes at a time. I was struck by how true this was, for me at any rate, and how brilliant of you to have put our feelings into words. I wasn’t born into the computer age, so it took  a few years  – duh!- until it dawned on me  that there must be a  FlyLady website. Yes, there was,  and so I signed on  about 6 years ago.

I had suffered, in the past, from mental health “issues”,and  I was impressed by FlyLady’s account of what she went through, and astounded by the immediate improvement in  mood and outlook that I experienced from Day  One of being a FlyBaby. I am 78 years old, born and raised in the UK, so that I remember the dawn of Women’s  Lib. From the age of 10, I was a great reader of Self-Help books and articles , and believed, for a long time, that women could Have It All, and do Anything and Everything, if only they were organized.    I actually believed what I read, about women who worked for many hours outside their home, and returned, REFRESHED!!!! to look after their children, to cook and to clean the house. Oh, yes, and making husbands “do their share of” the housework and caring for the children. Later, when I was married, it was taken for granted that I find work outside the home, because I wasn’t “earning any money” as a mere housewife and mother.I was saddened, depressed, and then very angry, at the fact that looking after one’s house and family  somehow got done by itself;  in the world of the modern woman, was wasting my time and most of my strength, doing work that had no value because I wasn’t getting a wage for it.

In my heart of hearts, I knew that this was untrue, since I grew up in a very disfunctional family—-my mother hated looking after the house and the family, and we lived in complete chaos, well, that’s another story ——and so I know what it’s like! I kept my opinions to myself, always wondering if I was the only woman on the planet who disagreed with the direction Women’s Lib was drifting into.

To sum up:

FlyLady has given me strength and support.

I enjoy being part of a group of women/people who take house duties and family care as seriously as I do.

I am completely captivated by FlyLady’s ability to tell us to move our butts and get on with the job, with such kindness! She is simply a genius. She understands that the world doesn’t go back; it goes forward: we can’t pretend that women have no interests other than their homes and families;-  we can’t pretend that  the media have not made everything accessible to men and to women as well. Of course women  want to join in the Conversation.  We simply ask ourselves how we can accomplish this when most of us have no help to run our households.

FlyLady and the sweet angels who work with her are providing us with answers and solutions.

With love and thanks to you all,

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