Unknown Wisdom

Dear FlyLady,

I started your program years ago when I had a couple of kids. I never got to the part where I was Flying, but I picked up a lot of good habits that have helped over the years.

Fast forward ten years or so, I have nine children from ages 16 to almost 2 and I homeschool. A couple of months ago, I realized that I couldn’t get my act together on my own, so I dug out your book and my control journal and signed up for the emails. Almost immediately, I scoffed at some of the advice and missed a few days, but I promised myself that this time, it is going to be different! I’m going to keep getting back on the horse and following the advice blindly! It’s been slow going, but I’ve noticed some wonderful changes! I have a more “be prepared” mindset, and I’m surprised when I walk into my house and it’s either picked up and clean or at least manageable with a quick pick up.

I have a long way to go, but I’m finally seeing the wisdom behind your method: it’s not about getting the job done, it’s about creating the habits that you need to maintain a household. As soon as I realized that, it all clicked!

The main reason I’m writing to you is because the July habit finally got me to Swish and Swipe daily. We have a stomach bug slowly going through our family, so it’s perfect timing. One morning, I was giving the little ones a bath when one of my daughters burst in to throw up in the toilet. The poor thing was clutching the toilet and kneeling on the floor. While I felt terrible for her, it was a small moment of triumph for me because I had just cleaned the toilet not ten minutes before the incident! I didn’t have to worry about the disgusting rim or potty training messes on the floor!

Thank you, FlyLady, for helping me take care of my family the way they deserve. I’m so grateful to you and for your advice and encouragement! I know I’ll keep with it and I hope to have another Testifly in the future when I’m fully Flying!

FlyBaby in Training

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