A Beautiful Clean Only Takes a Few Minutes a Day

Dear Friends,

Did you ever dread going home? You knew what was waiting for you; the dirty dishes, Mount Washmore and hotspots turning into flaming avalanches of papers. No wonder you dread going home. Maybe it will look better in the dark of night. You deserve to have a home that hugs you when you walk in your door.

Just a few short years ago when I was surrounded by clutter and CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome) it would take several days to get ready for guests to come to our home. I have even hired someone to come in and help me get our home company ready. Those poor people didn’t know what to do with our clutter either. It would get boxed up and stuck in the basement or the extra bedroom. When you rake the hotspots into boxes your home will look better, but it doesn’t feel clean. You know the clutter is hiding in those boxes and as a result we would spend hours searching for things that used to be in those hot spots.

All we really want is to open the door of our home and be greeted with the feel of a beautiful clean. Not that fake clean that still leaves you with the guilt that is hiding in those boxes, but a clean that starts at your toes and penetrates every sense you have.

Our perfectionism has caused us to live this way! Do you ever hear yourself say, “I don’t have time!” I want you to finish this sentence! You don’t have time to WHAT? Clean? Clean like your mother taught you to; spending hours making everything picture perfect! We all have the same hours in a day! We just need to get things done and quit complaining that we don’t have time because we really do if we will just do it!

We were taught since the day we were born that if we can’t do it right, then don’t do it at all! We listened very well. We have also been punished for not living up to that white glove clean. We were forced to redo things to live up to someone else’s unrealistic standards. I don’t know about you but we live in our home and it is not a museum and it is not a junk yard either. It is our sanctuary from the busy world. After all housework done incorrectly still blesses your family!

With a five minute room rescue, a two minute hotspot fire drill, a shiny sink and a simple swish and swipe daily, your home can have that beautiful clean feeling too! So when you hear yourself say, “I don’t have time!” Then just do two minutes. You will be surprised at how fast and easy you can create that beautiful clean feeling in your home.

Are you ready eliminate “I don’t have time” from your thoughts and do two minutes! Now set your timer for two minutes and go wipe down your appliances fronts.


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