April Habit #19 Willing To Follow It

Dear FlyLady,

Making my bed has been one of the easiest habits I’ve picked up.

I never could understand making the bed; you’re just going to unmake it to crawl into it at night. But I started doing it because I trusted that you can’t make the program work if you’re not willing to follow it.

And you know what? It has been really nice. We have two different blankets for on the bed. One is a beautiful thick blanket with a wolf mural on it. We use that for the wintertime. The other is a quilt that my DH’s mother made when he got married (the first time, not to me). It is gorgeous and had always been tucked away in the closet until something happened and we didn’t have a cool blanket for the bed and I suggested using it just for a couple of days. Those days turned into the whole season.

I really love walking into my bedroom and the bed looks nice. If I don’t make the bed for some reason, it just looks wrong and I’m not comfortable. I started working on this habit with my son shortly after I started your system. It started with me showing him how to pull everything up and helping him. Then I was telling him that it needed to be done. And then one day I told him to go make his bed and he said that he already had. So I went in and looked and, sure enough, he’d made the bed. It didn’t matter that the blanket was put on sideways; he’d done it unprompted. I was so proud of him! (and I didn’t dare touch the blanket lest he think otherwise)

Now I’m working with my 2yr old DD. She sleeps in a toddler bed and her blanket is tucked in on 3 sides. All she has to do to make her bed is pull the one corner up. Slowly, it has even seeped into my husband.

During the week, DH gets up about 4:30am and I stay in bed until closer to when the kids get up. When I get up, I have my whole routine in place that involves making the bed. I noticed that I wasn’t following through with my routines on the weekends because DH would sleep in and I would wait to make the bed, or not make it at all. It threw my whole day off.

So, I started making my half of the bed while he was still in it. It didn’t look as nice as when I could make the whole bed, but it was done. When my DH got up, I went in to make the bed and he had already pulled up the blankets on his side. Since then, he often makes the bed when he gets up. It never looks nearly as nice as when I do it, but I refuse to touch it.

Its difficult because of my perfectionism, but I don’t want to send the message that he’s not doing it “right”.

I’m just happy that he’s doing it.

FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a Bed Making Testimonial? Let us know, and send an email with I LOVE MY MADE BED in the subject line.

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