April Habit #25 Keeping Me On Track


Dear FlyLady,

I’ve been following you on and off for a few years now. Admittedly more off than on. I’d stick to routines for a few weeks then something would happen and for some reason it would all go wrong. This year I decided it would be different.

Started the year by shining my sink following my control journal then after a few weeks the same thing happened that always happened it just went wrong.

March I decided enough was enough and had a really long think about what I could do to to make this work . March, It started with my control journal, I had all the sections set up like it says in your page but for me it was too much. I scaled it right back to just my every day routines and things that have to be done in certain days like putting the rubbish out for collection. I don’t feel so overwhelmed anymore.

And although I don’t always follow it to the letter it’s keeping me on track. April

Aprils habit for the month is to make your bed. Now I never and I mean never made my bed, what was the point I was only going to mess it up again It was just new sleeping in it so what did it matter? I had more clothes in my floor than I did in my cupboards. And was a general dumping ground as things just got tossed in there when I had company (as no one ever went in my room)It just wasn’t a restful place at all!! I had a focused declutter session over a few days.

Got rid of 15-20 (yes you did read that right) bags of old clothes that I didn’t love, and general clutter. I discovered I had a carpet under all that!! I bought new curtains and nets for my window. Moved my bed round and put in new bedding. I got a small laundry basket and as soon as its full I put a wash on, then as soon as the laundry is dry it’s folded up and put away, no matter how late it is or how tired I am. I make my bed every morning my room looks beautiful now. I have even found a way to keep my clean bedding together and ready to grab when it’s change day, I was always misplacing a pillow case so never having a full set to put in my bed I now fold my duvet cover and one pillow case together and pop it I to the other pillowcase, and do the same with my under sheets. This keeps it all in one place ready to just grab when it’s time to change it no having to spend half hour hunting for stray pillow cases!!!

I have concentrated in keeping my room looking clean and tidy. And have kept it up for the past 24 days. I’m really looking forward to next months habit so I can add that in and work towards having a chaos free home

Thank you!!!
Ann Uk flybaby

FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a Med Making Testimonial? Let us know, and send an email with I LOVE MY MADE BED in the subject line.

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