Rise and Shine

Dear Friends,

This morning everything I hear, say, do, or sing has had the word SHINE in it. I got in the my bathtub this morning I found myself singing a childhood Sunday School song; Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory! As the water filled my tub I sang at the top of my lungs. Don’t you just love to sing in the shower.

You probably have noticed that I tell you to go shine your sink. I don’t say wash the dishes or scrub the sink; I motivate you to get up and SHINE it. What happens is this shiny sink reflects what is really inside of you! When you walk into your kitchen in the morning and you are greeted with a sink that is gleaming; a smile comes across your face and your heart starts to sing! That joy spreads around your home because you are SHINING!!

When you start shining then you feel happy! I know that it seems too simple to be true, but if you have not shined your sink then don’t question me about this. Go shine your sink and prove me wrong.

This is your first babystep toward peace. So Rise and Shine and you will find your purpose for living. Get dressed to lace up shoes and before you know it; your joy will be lighting up your home and you will be blessing the world with you!

Are you ready to Rise and Shine?


Do you have a cat who loves to sit on your furniture? I cleaned this 3 days ago. Look at what a great job our Rubba Scrubba does on the cat hair. Meet our cat who thinks he is a dog. Guess what color he is!

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