Tag Archives: Habit

Be Kind to Yourself

Do you ever get up in the middle of the night with a thought running through your head and you don’t want to forget it?

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Help! I Don’t Have A Dryer

I don’t have a drier and now that it’s winter it’s so horrible because clothes don’t get dried very easily.

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Clothes are Everywhere

I have so much clutter I don’t know what to do.

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Piles of Laundry Cause CHAOS in Your Home

In a few days we will start practicing a new habit!

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Please Explain Swish & Swipe

I got this little question today so I found a good explanation for you since Swish and Swipe is our habit for July!

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New Habit for June

Here it is already June! Isn’t it amazing how time FLYs when you are having fun!

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Rise and Shine

This morning everything I hear, say, do, or sing has had the word SHINE in it.

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The Importance of Shoes

Since starting FlyLady, I have continually harped on putting your shoes on your feet each morning.

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What Is Standing In Your Way

The last thing I want to do is add more stress to your life. We are here to reduce your stress!

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September Habit #30 My New Evening Routine Rocks

Last year I tried to do a bedtime routine but it didn’t work. I am studying to become a Buddhist nun and my classes usually end around ten pm.

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